To this day, merely 15% of all estimated fungi species are documented, and in certain regions, its biodiversity is practically unknown. Inside the Fungi Kingdom, macrofungi and lichens assume a critical part in the ecosystem
Protected areas (PAs) are intended to preserve natural places, aiming to sustain ecosystem functionality and preserve biodiversity. However, PAs are spatially static, while major threats to biodiversity, such as climate and land-use change, are dynamic.
Indices of environmental associations such as the Community Temperature Index (CTI) and Community Precipitation Index (CPI) can be derived from occurrence data to extend the geographic scope or time frame of evidence for responses of insect diversity to global change.
Indices of environmental associations such as the Community Temperature Index (CTI) and Community Precipitation Index (CPI) can be derived from occurrence data to extend the geographic scope or time frame of evidence for responses of insect diversity to global change.
Protected areas are fundamental in conservation, but their intactness is increasingly threatened by the effects of climate and land-cover changes.
Recent uphill shifts in species ranges have lagged behind those expected from rates of climate warming. The aparent delays in elevation range shifts could stem from. i) barriers to colonization at high-elevation range limits, ii) buffering effects on local ectinction risk at low-elevation, or iii) insufficiently fine-resolution data on species distributions.
We propose a protocol to estimate the effects of climate change on species inhabiting a reserve by assessing the location of areas with similar environmental conditions to a focal protected area, both now and in the future.
En el entorno de los días mundiales de la Biodiversidad y del Medio Ambiente el Observatorio de Sostenibilidad ha presentado el Informe sobre el cumplimiento de las Metas de Aichi de biodiversidad en España, analizando cómo las diferentes metas han sido abordadas.